Monday, July 10, 2006

shoch, horror and urine

jerry collins, new zealand all black, blindside flanker, man mountain and general hard arse, took a leak on the field at the beginning of saturday night's international rugby game with australia. can you believe it. he got down on one knee, took out his willie {scottish accent on willie} and pissed on the field. then to top it all off. he shook off the drips!
now, there, i said it. now just get over it.


At 4:28 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aside from the fact that he did it in front of so many witnesses isn't that what most guys do on a daily basis? I've never known a man to hunt down a hidden area behind a large bush or tree like girls do. They just sort of yank out their willies willy nilly and go whenever and wherever they are.


At 8:49 am , Blogger mystified said...

you have it. it's life.


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