Saturday, June 17, 2006


what's up with blogger? i still can't post pics :-(
mr five year old nephew stayed the whole night! amazing. he is getting very brave. woke up this morning to the sound of him fighting the fight with the terrorist. not sure who won.
i will NOT be happy if there is a turn around at the whaling commission. it troubles me that the japanese cannot see they are wanting to hunt an intelligent species we share this planet with. even worse, it is our own neighbours in the pacific that have sold out on this. we in nz are definitely against whaling. they also want to be able to hunt dolphin! what are they on? not the same as us, for sure. i am surprised at the inherent savagery in some people.
speaking of which. there is an ARSEHOLE [excuse the language] running around auckland who raped a 37 year old woman in her own home the other day. she [the victim] has vowed not to let this cretin wreck her life. i am so with her on this. you go girl, big ups to you. they [the police] will get him. this place is too small. there is nowhere to run. this creep is in for a long holiday at the govt's pleasure. the man is coming for you rapist.....there is no doubt about it. you must be removed from our streets. you have given away the same rights as the rest of us. do not pass go! no get out of jail card!


At 9:03 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three cheers for your nephew! I would never have stayed anywhere without my mum when I was five! He has a lot of courage indeed.


At 10:17 pm , Blogger mystified said...

yeah he did well. he's gone home tonight cause he misses his dad.


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