Tuesday, July 03, 2007

folole muliaga, mercury power

Folole Muliaga died on may 29 after a mercury energy contractor cut power at her mangere home due to an overdue bill, turning off the mains-powered oxygen machine which helped her breathe.
her family were forced to spend a cold night at their mangere home, but a phone conversation between a victim support worker and mercury aired on tv one's sunday programme last night showed the family was told no reconnection would be made until further payments were made.
"she may have passed away in the last couple of days but. . . i know it's been hard but it's irrelevant," a mercury supervisor told the victim support worker.
"they've got arrears disco (disconnection) notices, they've had disco notices. the family obviously are living at the property with this person, they need to take responsibility for themselves and for the property."

it seems that Folole Muliaga's man had actually made part payments and that the power was "disco'd" when they actually owed less than $40.
who is responsible here? who has got our society in such as state that this can happen? this needs to be looked at, discussed, and sorted out. now!

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